The book of Genesis begins with “God created the heavens and the earth” The world—and you—are not products of blind chance and probability; God created it and us. They are here. We are here. God created all that we see and experience. Here we begin the most exciting and fulfilling journey imaginable.
God did not NEED to create the universe. He CHOSE to create it. Why? Love. God is love and love is best expressed toward something or someone else. So, God created the world and people as an expression of His love.
We can know in a very personal way this God who created the universe. God’s deepest desire is to relate to you. To have fellowship with you, His creation. He took the ultimate first step in this relationship with us through His visit to this planet in the person of His Son, Jesus. Now, it’s your turn. It’s your move.
How do you grow closer to understanding and hearing from God? By giving heed to His gentle checks, His delicate restraints and constraints. His voice is still and small and must be felt.
God is love and His voice is for the ear of love. And, your love should be intent on hearing even the smallest of whispers.
You know…those times in conversation when you’re just about to say a word, and you feel that gentle nudge. And, those moments when you’re about to pursue something that seems clear and right and there comes a quiet suggestion that another way is better.
It’s a voice quietly spoken in your heart at first but the more you listen and obey, it grows louder and clearer.
If you want to know Him better take heed to His voice even when is seems contradictory from a human standpoint. Obey even when He asks you to move in the dark. When you do, you will experience a fellowship with God that is wildly overpowering, wonderfully overwhelming, and more than you could ever imagine. A relationship that will hold you and He closely together even in the most severe testings and pressures.
Remember: You are part of creation, and He is pleased with how He made you. If at times you feel worthless, remember that God made you for a good reason. You.Are.Valuable.To.Him.
See: Genesis 1: 1- 2:3; Isaiah 30:21; Ephesians 2:10; Ephesians 3:20
Filed under: Bible Study, christian, Communication, creation, devotional, encouragement, GOD, growing, Help, His Word, Inspirational, Leadership, Living and Leading Like Jesus, love, Ministry, Peace, power, Relationship, Salvation, spiritual, Trust, Wisdom Tagged: Bible, Book of Genesis, Book of Isaiah, Christ, Christianity, Epistle to the Ephesians, fellowship with God, Genesis, God, God's love, God's voice, Hear God's Voice, Jesus, Life, purpose, relationship with God, who am I, why am I here?